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a letter to Mr. Financial Secretary

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:49 am
by queenie
Dear Mr. Financial Secretary,

My wife drops by a Macdonnel in Tsimshatsui area and happens to find that the price of a fish fillet bun amounts up to $14.8.
How's come the retail price of necessity goods climbing up so quickly. it's hard to maintain "a bit below average" living standard for our low income earning group. If the condition were not to be improved many social problems even including confronting the administration of the government, would have occured. May we have your attention about the issue?

Tax system, traditionally, helps to redistribute the wealth from the rich to the poor in the society. I believe that the rich would not much care about to shoulder more to nourich Hong Kong where, then becomes a more harmonized place to live. as the marginal utility of sarcrifising more in terms of paying more tax would be relatively low when comparing with getting the return of social stability and stable government, especially for those who are doing businesses in Hong Kong.

Being an ordinary citizen in Hong Kong, I would much like to learn that your tax policy would redistribute the wealth in the coming budget.

Re: a letter to Mr. Financial Secretary

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:02 pm
by willy
財爺都就來唔做, 你真係彩你都傻喇. 大家一齊唱下數字歌就算喇. "30624700..."

註: 因話題涉給政府施政, 以移至政治版.

Re: a letter to Mr. Financial Secretary

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:56 pm
by beaniebean
係呀, M記的食品越來越貴. 無論散買或套餐, 都貴到有些吃不消. 所以, 我已少咗去食, 盡量只會食特價餐, 幸好仍有麥樂雞餐是我喜歡吃的.

係呢個時勢, 我不會寄望政府, 只會寄望自己.

究竟社會資源去咗哪裡? 那些人最得益呢? 如何才能公平地分配資源呢? 大家心中或許有個答案都未定.

簡單來說, 自求多福是最重要. 這樣的話, 就不用太倚靠政府或其他人, 唔駛咁麻煩或因太多寄望而失望.

Reply from fso@fso.go​

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:09 am
by queenie
Thank you for taking your precious time to share with the Financial Secretary your views on the upcoming Budget. It helps us understand more about the thinking of members of the public. We will consider your views in preparing the Budget.

Yours sincerely,

Larry Chu

Assistant Secretary

Financial Secretary's Office

Re: a letter to Mr. Financial Secretary

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:17 pm
by beaniebean
唔唔, 原來政府既回應咁...