波特小姐: 比得兔的故事 (Miss Potter)

Knight-Champion 一等騎士
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波特小姐: 比得兔的故事 (Miss Potter)

Postby beaniebean » Wed Apr 25, 2007 1:06 am

睇此片之前, 因看了明報的影評(), 所以一早知道此片並非童話片。女主角係主演 “BJ單身日記”既雲妮絲穎嘉 (Renee Zellweger), 而男主角係主演 “情陷紅磨坊”既伊雲麥葵格(Ewan McGregor)。

故事發生係約100年前既英國, 女主角生於富裕既上流社會家庭, 自幼喜歡繪畫, 筆下既小動物係佢既好朋友。係女主角既眼中, 呢啲動物係有生命既, 係畫紙上會郁來郁去。係32歲既時候, 佢決意出版比得兔既兒童讀物, 所以去出版社自薦, 因而認識咗出版社既太子爺。兩人對出版方面全無經驗, 但從合作既過程中互生好感。原本男女主角在未認識對方之前都諗住呢一生維持單身, 但緣份令佢哋走埋一起。雖然女主角既父母因 “門當戶對”既問題而阻止呢段感情, 但女主角唔理咁多, 決意要跟男主角一起。

兩人在片中都不是俊男姜女, 但佢哋個份含蓄但真摰既感情, 令人感動, 有種暖暖既感覺。有一段劇情講述男女主角係火車月台上分離, 個幕既吻別鏡頭拍得相當靚, 感覺清新。不過, 好景不常... 我也為女主角感到黯然。不過, 故事既結尾都令人替女主角感到安慰。

此片於英國湖區取景, 不少情景都很靚, 我也希望可以去個度走走。有一幕印象較深刻, 就是女主角與友人(男主角的姐姐)在樹下手挽手散步。當時樹枝徐徐搖動, 我已想像到個種陣陣涼風既舒暢感覺。

好彩完場時沒有一早就閃, 結果俾我聽咗首好好聽既歌, 歌手係Katie Melua。有興趣可以去聽吓:

When You Taught Me How To Dance

When you taught me how to dance
Years ago, with misty eyes
Every step and silent glance
Every move, a sweet surprise
Someone must have taught you well
To beguile and to entrance
For that night you cast your spell
And you taught me how to dance

Like reflections in a lake
I recall what went before
As I give, I'll learn to take
And will be alone no more
Other lights may light my way
I may even find romance
But I won't forget that night
When you taught me how to dance

Cold winds blow
But on those hills you'll find me
And I know
You're walking right behind me

When you taught me how to dance
Years ago, with misty eyes
Every step and silent glance
Every move, a sweet surprise
Someone must have taught you well
To beguile and to entrance
For that night you cast your spell
And you taught me how to dance

Knight-Champion 一等騎士
Knight-Champion 一等騎士
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Postby beaniebean » Wed Apr 25, 2007 1:14 am

係尋找呢個歌手Katie Melua既過程中, 我又發現佢有另一首好好聽歌, 感覺好relax, 而chorus部份既歌詞, 相信唔少人都有同感。哈, 無論係22歲、32歲、42歲...既人, 其實有時都會好似17歲咁crazy。

有興趣想認識多一啲Katie Melua既嘢, 可以去呢樹睇吓()。

The Closest Thing To Crazy

How can I think I'm standing strong?
Yet feel the air beneath my feet.
How can happiness feel so wrong?
How can misery feel so sweet?

How can you let me watch you sleep?
Then break my dreams the way you do.
How can I have got in so deep?
Why did I fall in love with you?

This is the closest thing to crazy
I have ever been.
Feeling twenty-two, acting seventeen.
This is the nearest thing to crazy
I have ever known.
But I was never crazy on my own.
And now I know
That there's a link between the two,
Being close to craziness, and being close to you

How can you let me fall apart?
Then break my fall with lovin lies.
It's so easy to break a heart,
It's so easy to close your eyes.

How can you treat me like a child?
Yet like a child I yearn for you.
How can anyone feel so wild?
How can anyone feel so blue?

This is the closest thing to crazy
I have ever been.
Feeling twenty-two, acting seventeen.
This is the nearest thing to crazy
I have ever known.
I was never crazy on my own.
And now I know
That there's a link between the two,
Being close to craziness, and being close to you

And being close to you

And being close to you

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Postby willy » Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:29 am

咁請問女主角是否有思覺失調, 為何她會看到兔子跑來跑去?

Knight-Champion 一等騎士
Knight-Champion 一等騎士
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Postby beaniebean » Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:18 am

女主角應該無思覺失調, 但佢實在太喜歡筆下既動物, 所以不自覺會感到佢哋係有生命。其中有一幕講述女主角痛失摯愛, 所畫既世界都變得灰暗, 畫紙上既動物都表現驚惶不安。我估計導演/編劇係利用動畫去表達女主角既內心感受。

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