花鼠明星俱樂部 (Alvin And The Chipmunks)

Knight-Champion 一等騎士
Knight-Champion 一等騎士
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花鼠明星俱樂部 (Alvin And The Chipmunks)

Postby beaniebean » Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:46 am

上星期日(23/12)睇咗呢套戲, 意想不到呢類真人揉合動畫既電影係咁好睇既 ~~~

一開場, 三隻花鼠就係度唱“Bad Day”呢首歌. 哈, 由於我原本已很喜歡呢首歌, 佢哋一唱, 我就已經好鬼happy, 印象分即刻加咗唔少.

之後啲笑料一直未停過, 尤其係花鼠係梳化大便個場. 哈哈哈!!!!笑鬼死!!!!男主角見到有粒東西係梳化到, 就炳啲花鼠唔好係梳化大便. 花鼠就狡辯話呢粒唔係屎, 而係粒提子乾. 跟住男主角問佢哋點樣証明嗰粒係提子乾, 於是花鼠就逼於無奈地將呢粒............

三隻花鼠(花仔、阿矇、阿肥)真係可愛到暈, 惹人喜愛, 各有性格, 但非常un皮, 吱吱喳喳唔停口, 搞到男主角間屋反轉咁濟. 佢哋最善長係唱歌跳舞, 我最欣賞係佢哋唱既和音, 好動聽.

有一幕我覺得超級溫馨, 就係花鼠阿肥發咗惡夢, 所以好驚, 跟住去咗男主角既睡房問佢可唔可以一齊瞓. 男主角就話俾佢瞓係牀角, 但阿肥就唔理咁多, 好開心咁瞓咗係男主角既膊頭. 呢個阿肥好肥, 圓碌碌咁, 其實我都好樂意借我個膊頭俾佢瞓.

呢套戲故事簡單, 忠奸分明, 作為觀眾既我, 不用思考太多, 與同場既細路一樣, 開開心心哈哈哈, 又渡過咗一個歡樂既時間. 係Xmas看, 相當有氣氛.

呢個網站(http://www.hkfilms.com/?http://hkfilms. ... unks.shtml) 有套戲既詳細資料. 原來:
1) 幕後班底大有來頭
2) 花鼠其實係1958年已面世, 2008年係佢哋既50周年.
3) 1959、1960及1961年贏過格林美獎, 之後又提名過艾美奬.

呢個網站有段係咁講: "... 不過最厲害還是積遜李(男主角)跟空氣演戲, 竟然毫無難度, 監製透露︰「眾所周知三隻小花鼠在後期製作時才會用電腦繪畫出來, 但積遜在片場面對空氣講對白時, 不單眼神角度精準, 動作及焦點更真實到不得了, 他永遠記得每隻花鼠的位置及對白。」"

真的, 男主角同啲花鼠既演出好自然, 大家就像做緊對手戲咁, 但原來佢只係做緊獨腳戲.

官方網站: http://www.alvinandthechipmunksmovie.com/ (呢個網站, 我最欣賞的是那個唱機既設計.)

Knight-Champion 一等騎士
Knight-Champion 一等騎士
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Postby beaniebean » Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:52 am

係套戲入面花鼠所唱既歌, 我最喜歡就係以下呢首歌. 雖然宜家過咗Xmas已有幾日, 但都幾有feel架. 係歌詞中, 我又學咗一個英文字"Hula Hoop", 即係"呼拉圈".

Christmas Don't Be Late


(all right you Chipmunks! Ready to sing your song?
-I'll say we are!
-Let's sing it now!
Okay, Simon?
Okay, Theodore?
Okay, Alvin? Alvin? ALVIN!

Christmas, Christmas time is near
Time for toys and time for cheer
We've been good, but we can't last
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast
Want a plane that loops the loop
Me, I want a hula hoop
We can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas, don't be late

(Okay fellas get ready.
That was very good, Simon.
Very good Theodore.
Ah, Alvin, you were a little flat, watch it.
Ah, Alvin. Alvin. ALVIN!

Want a plane that loops the loop
I still want a hula hoop
We can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas, don't be late
We can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas, don't be late

(Very good, boys
-Lets sing it again! Yeah, lets sing it again!
No, That's enough, lets not overdo it
-What do you mean overdo it?
-We want to sing it again!
Now wait a minute, boys
-Why can't we sing it again?
-[chipmunk chatter]
Alvin, cut that out..Theodore, just a minute.
Simon will you cut that out? Boys...)

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