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Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 6:55 pm
by beaniebean
今日看到呢篇文章, 原來已是2009年5月10日(報市日報, 馮強專欄: 懷抱天下)

我的一位朋友的朋友叫S. Sethi。她是一位印度人,職業是Happiness Coach(快樂人生教練)。她主辦講座,教聽眾怎樣追尋快樂人生。她說人人都可以過快樂的人生,但要懂得一些技巧。 她在印度的前半生生活過得很痛苦,但後來學懂了尋找快樂之道,改變了她的一生。她想把這些經驗和技巧與他人分享。她的名片上印上make a difference(改變人的命運),那就是她的目標。她的網誌內放了不少介紹找尋快樂的文章。你有興趣可以登入一看。可惜Sethi小姐只說英語,如果她可說廣東話,講座會更受歡迎。

Source: ... 8&search=1

所以, 我去了那個blog看看, 後尾click click吓就揾到以下文章.

Happiness is a Habit (By Shveitta Sethi Sharma)

其中最尾一段係咁... 我覺得好有道理, 特別是最尾的一句.
Start with a thank you journal. Every day find three things that you are grateful for. It could be as simple a steaming cup of coffee , a beautiful sunny day, a hug from your child, a compliment from a stranger , a request for friendship on MySpace or face book or as exotic as winning a million dollar lottery, a promotion at work, getting married to your dream partner and so on. Whatever you think you could be thankful for. Limit it to three a day, so that you have something for every day. This way you get into a habit of appreciation and gratitude and thereby start changing your brain pattern. Slowly and surely you brain starts developing new neural pathways that start looking out for things that give you reason to be happy and grateful. Your habits form your attitude and your attitude creates your outlook and you outlook creates your circumstances.

Source: ... &id=919844