Registration of Chinese Medicine Practitioners (2)

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Registration of Chinese Medicine Practitioners (2)

Postby queenie » Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:33 am

Dear Ms. Pamela LAM, Principal Assistant Secretary (Health) 1
Health, Welfare and Food Bureau

I have tried to contact you for several times for meeting last week for discussing with you for the captioned subject in person but all are in vain.

1. Concerning the issue of protection of the public's health:

May I reiterate that my wife has a Nation-wide Practising License which allows her to practise where-ever in China giving direct consultation to a maximum of 1.3 billion patients while your registered practitioners may only have a maximum of 7 million patients in Hong Kong.

Then what is your reasonale behind for advocating that the protection of the public£ªs health is one of the reasons that prevents my wife from practising here in Hong Kong?

Are the people in China not the same people in humand kind and not in your definition of people in Hong Kong?

Are the lives of the people in China so unimportant than that of those in Hong Kong?

Does the Ministry of Health in China issue practising licenses to unqualifiy persons, without assessing their academic and professional knowledge and experience?

2. Academic Degree

My wife started the chinese medicine career by studying full time 3-year of Nurse Course in Sep 1988 - Jun 1991 and proceeding to part-time Specialist Course in Aug 1995 - Apr1999 and finally to the part-time Degree course in Apr. 1999-Jun 2003, making it up of a total of 3-year full time and 8-year of part-time to get the degree.

Thereafter, my wife has got a chinese medicine degree through the PRC nation-wide unified examination from Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the academic of qualfication of which is both recognised by our government and Chinese Medicine Council HK, CMCHK.

In satisfying the graduation requirements of getting the chinese medicine degree, my wife had taken the a total of twenty two courses / subjects, which are two folds more than that required by CMCHK. Furthermore, my wife also was sent to a hospital for apprentice practising for sixteen months that was also double in time span than the CMCHK's requirement under its Candidate Handbook


They are you and the Chinese Medicine Council HK who are not willing to implement the mutual recognition of professional qualification for the industry of Chinese Medicine. We, the outsiders, do not know why.

Please be informed that Hong Kong is an Open Society where there is no fear of Competition which ultimately results the marginal advantage(s) to Hong Kong Citizens.

To make it a success, it is simply to include the practising qualification in the Chinese Medicine Ordinance as one of the conditions in the entrance of the industry of Chinese Medicine, isn't it ?

That does not affect the skewed policy of Chinese Medicine Council HK.

4. Legislations

Please be informed that the official qualification of the degree my wife has obtained, at the back of which, (reverse side) has clear words stipulating that the part-time degrees after graduating from the Whole Nation-wide Unified Examination, have the same status, in terms of job nature and remuneration as that of the full-time graduates which is endorced by the Acts made by Whole Nation Representatives of People Republic of China and the Higher Education Act of PRC.

In addtion, more than ten independent Legislative Councillors with whom
we do not have any relationship, also present their written opinions
after understanding my wife's academic and professional background in the
area of Chinese Medicine, to theChinese Medicine Council HK that my wife should be given a
chance to siiting for the Practitioners Examination in 2006 during the final appeal on 20th April 2006.

If, by now, I may rally more than thirty independent Legislative Councillors in favour of the above, what would you say? Still indifferent as before?

If you were to respect the legistations both in Hong Kong and China, then why do you still saying that do not have plans to amend the Ordinance.

For a professional body to assess the academic qualification for a candidate for registration purposes, she ususally asks if the academic degree is recognised in the related profession in the country the qualification obtained. if it is affirmative, then it is recognised as the equivalent standard. This practice is universally carried out when assessing the applicants who registrate as a member of a professional body.

Problem(s) is/are existing here in the skewed policy of Chinese Medicine Council HK. You being an Policy Bureau, is responsible for rectifying skewed position of the entrance of the industry of Chinese Medicine.

Please do so immediately.

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Re: Registration of Chinese Medicine Practitioners (2)

Postby beaniebean » Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:54 pm

Camson, 咁現時你的太太是否仍是一位護士, 還是從事一些與中醫有關的工作?

如你有唔舒服, 你的太太會不會幫你看病呢? 你係咪已唔睇西醫呢?

其實我還是不大明, 點解你的太太所讀的學位及所實習的工作經驗都符合要求, 但當局仍不給予專業資格呢? :roll:

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Re: Registration of Chinese Medicine Practitioners (2)

Postby queenie » Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:10 am

beaniebean, 謝謝你的關心, 咱媳婦現是(全國)執业的中医師,o她可在中國任何地方執业, 香港除外o

咱媳婦己經被咱委為咱的私人医生, 咱所患的, 她部全包了, 西醫亦沒有光顧很久了o

咱也確實不明白, 經過多年的申訴, 可找的相關單位, 官員, 以至特首, 也全找, 都是徒勞的o

這个中医藥管理委員會, 啥都不認, 就只看執业申請者, 有沒有一个全日五年制的中医學位, 如果沒有, 就被定性為基本中医的知識也沒有, 不附合報考其兩个執业試的資格, 這叫人上不上火o (咱媳婦是持有全國統一考試的兼讀制中医學位)

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Re: Registration of Chinese Medicine Practitioners (2)

Postby beaniebean » Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:46 pm

哦, 原來係咁.

但現時有很多在港執業的中醫師應沒有完成5年全日制中醫學位課程, 咁佢哋係咪因為有相關的行醫年資便可豁免呢個要求呢?

另外, 有一個題外話想問吓: 你有否聽你太太講過中醫可否治癌? 有否成功個案? :roll:

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Re: Registration of Chinese Medicine Practitioners (2)

Postby queenie » Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:46 pm

對, 在中医藥條例生效前, 如在港行医最少拾伍年的, 自動被授予香港中医師資格; 拾伍年以下至 拾年以上的, 則授予香港表列中医師資格, 但須重新應考執业資格試o

咱媳婦是婦科, 不育症專业, 對糖尿病, 鼻敏感, 流感有一定心得o 治癌啊, 是相當困難的, 試想, 要服用多少的草藥才可滅掉一个體內的腫瘤呢! 但適當的服用預防的藥, 是可減低患癌的機會o 如真的患上, 採取中西医結合療法較可取o

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Re: Registration of Chinese Medicine Practitioners (2)

Postby beaniebean » Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:03 pm

啊, 原來中醫也好像西醫一樣, 有分專科的.

你的太太好勁喎, 我遲啲也有些問題想找你幫我請教你的太太呢... 唔該哂~ :D

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