The Official ACBL Encyclopedia of Bridge

All about the Bridge Game. (Preferred Language is English)

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Knight-Captain 上尉騎士
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The Official ACBL Encyclopedia of Bridge

Postby willy » Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:30 pm

I bought this book last month and it is a good reference book for you to know more about Bridge in different areas. Unlike other encyclopedia such as <<Britannica>> that is arranged in purely alphabetical order, this book is organized in sections with different topics and it may be a little inconvenient for the reader to search some particular information. Yet, I enjoy reading it sequentially on selective sections. The book includes two CD-ROMs which one of them is the electronic version of the book. With the CD-ROM, readers can overcome the search problem.

The book covers broad areas information instead of in-depth knowledge on a particular topic. If one wants to explore more on a topic, further reading on other books is required. Though, it is the 7th edition that was published in 2011, I can't find any information related to computer Bridge game, not to mention WeWeWeb's Bridge Client!!!! This is one of the few points that I think needs to improve in the coming editions.

If you have much enthusiasm on the game and want to know more about different areas in Bridge, I recommend this one to you.


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Re: The Official ACBL Encyclopedia of Bridge

Postby beaniebean » Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:28 am

最高領導人對bridge既熱誠真係一啲都無減褪. 佢其實已經爆勁, 但仍會好有心機去鑽研唔同類型既bridge書去增廣見聞. 實在太強喇!!! 8) 8) 8)

呢本書好似幾好咁bor, 仲有CD-ROM添! 請問呢本書比起以前你紹介的一套中文書(共有3冊), 係咪會更易明白及更有趣味呢?

同埋想問吓... 呢本書既價錢約多少呢? :roll:

嘿嘿... 我想他朝有日... 嗰位作者一定會紹介WeWeWeb's Bridge Client既~~

我又想問.. 什麼是ACBL? :roll:

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Knight-Captain 上尉騎士
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Re: The Official ACBL Encyclopedia of Bridge

Postby willy » Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:37 pm

The is a reference book, so make sure you have great interest in Bridge before you buy it. The price is US $34.62 + shipping charge from Amazon.

ACBL stands for "American Contract Bridge League". See:

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