係香港, 除非係強逼教育, 否則教書既人會好灰. 第三天, 個教室在拍烏蠅.
ni: hoho~~
ni: 唔好意思,遲左少少
wi: hoho..唔係好汁準時
wi: 好喇..今日講第三課.....
ni: 係
wi: 昨日, 講啲野....有冇記得?
ni: em...ok la
wi: 昨日, 講既係計分方法....做高手...一定要知...
ni: 係
wi: 教材個summary 在這 http://www.weweweb.net/game/webpage/bri ... html#basic
ni: ok
wi: 為什麼我要講計分....
wi: 因為...如果唔計分....永遠叫 level 1係最好
wi: 主要要留記就係game與non-game既分別
wi: 3NT, 4H/S, 5D/C都係game
wi: 同non-game差好多分
wi: 但3NT, 4H/S 同 5c/5d 係有分別
ni: how
wi: 1. 佢地要win既tricks唔同
ni: o
wi: 2. 佢地都係game
wi: 但分數有別
wi: 3NT...有 100分
ni: game同non-game點分別?
wi: 4S 有 120分
wi: 5d/c 只有 100分
wi: 有個game reward score...至少 300
wi: 所以好少人會打 5c/5d....
ni: o
wi: 如何5c/5d 做...好多時 3NT都做...
wi: 另外重有個 "Slam" bonus
wi: level 6 同 level 7 都叫slam
wi: 一個叫 "small slam" 一個 ;叫 "grand slam"
wi: 你make到個contract 就會好肥....
wi: 不過因為相常比較少....所以唔講住...
ni: ok
wi: ok...到而家...有冇問題要問?
ni: 我想問,level是否=第幾舖?
wi: 不是
wi: 是個contract...的數字部分
ni: 哦,即是4S, level是4嗎
wi: yep
ni: oic
wi: 你有沒有開了那個網頁?
ni: 沒有,現在開
wi: http://www.weweweb.net/game/webpage/bri ... html#basic
wi: 好了....現在做一個小題目
ni: 好
wi: 假設沒 Non-vulnerable (沒身價)
wi: contract 為 2NT
wi: got 8 tricks...有幾多分
wi: 這佪你不用計...我示範給你....
wi: 2NT 8 tricks = just make...
ni: yep
wi: 合約成工...有分
wi: 2NT = 40 + 30...basic score
wi: bonus for no-game = 50
wi: so the total score is 70+50 = 120 got it?
ni: why 2NT's basic score is 40+30?
wi: NT = level 1 = 40, level 2 onwards are 30 each
ni: o understand
wi: ok...u need to answer
ni: ok
wi: what if the contract is 2NT....and the result is "up 1" that is 9 tricks
ni: 70?
wi: total score...?
ni: Up-Trick Bonus: Normal: Trick score << i see this
wi: yep
wi here is the answer:
wi: basic level score remains the same: 40 + 30
wi: non-game bonus: 50
wi: Up trick bonus (30 each): 30
wi: so the answer is 70+50+30 = 150
ni: Up trick bonus?
wi: 2NT needs 8 rricks..but won 9tricks (up 1)
ni: so has this bonus
ni: o, so i get more points to have up trick?
wi: yes...
ni: -_-
ni: i used to think that i should get exactly the trick number
wi: compaare with 2NT make 8 and 2NT make 9...should be better right?
wi: up tricks is ok
wi: understand how to get the 150 answer?
ni: yes
wi: next question:
ni: if up trick is no problem,
wi: in some situation only...now I show u...
ni: then y we have to bid so high level?
ni: oic
wi: next question
ni: ok
wi: this time again make 9 tricks....but the contract is 3NT instead of 2NT...what is the total score?
ni: 400?
wi: show me how to calculate pls
ni: 3NT make 9 tricks=up right
wi: better to said "just make"
ni: level 3 so 30+40+40
ni: o
ni: 40+30+30
wi: 30 + 40 + 40 = 110....
ni: should be 40+30+30...
ni: =100
ni: =game
ni: non-vulnerable game= +300
ni: 100+300=400
wi: good good....well done!
ni: wow so difficult!
ni: then how to specify non-vulnerable/vulnerable?
wi: state in each board (game) b4 hand
ni: o
wi: now come the different
ni: ok
wi: the 2nd case 2NT make 9 got 150
wi: but 3NT make 9 got 400
wi: 250 difference
ni: @@
wi: so u need to know the great different between game and non-game situation
ni: ok
wi: some ppl want to play contract game even their hands are not strong enough
wi: bcos they want to take the risk
wi: ok...
wi: what we learned is the score for making a contract...
wi: what if a contract cannot fulfill...
wi: we normally use 2 words to describe...
wi: down or set
wi: they are the same...haha
ni: -_-
wi: e.g. a contract with 1 NT and got only 6 tricks....we call it "set 1" or "down 1"
wi: it is very easy to calculate the penalty score...only 1 table
wi: no need to knwon the contract....
wi: only need to know set how many tricks is set for calculation
wi: for non-vul case
wi: down 1 got 50
wi:that's it....
wi: any questions so far?
ni: no...
wi: ok..that...now come to a new chapter
ni: o yes
ni: question
wi: yes
ni: if not contract, down 1 got ? points
wi: all pass?
wi: there must have a contract for each game after bidding stage....
wi: if no contract..that is all pass
ni: oic
wi: everybody got 0
ni: ok no question la
wi: Next chapter is a short chatper....
ni: =]
wi: about bridge "Etiquette"
ni: wow wt's that
wi:know what is it?
ni: no..
wi: Etiquette.....(應有的禮儀)
ni: haha我剛查了yahoo字典
wi: 打橋牌係要有牌品
ni: yep
wi: 對手打得差唔好話人...
ni: yep- -
ni: 呢個好少會出現,因為自己都打得好差
wi: partner 打得差...唔好當場話佢
ni: 唔好"當場"?
ni: ok
wi: ,自己打得差亦不要介意....
ni: yep
wi: 下次玩好啲就可以了
ni: 55
wi: 如果....有個人個你個partner你沒拍過....
ni: yep
wi: 你一般會問佢用乜"bidding system"
wi: bidding system 下次教你....
ni: ok
wi: 如果你做dummy
wi: 你會同你個partner 佢係declarer...講一句...."glp"
wi: glp既是 good luck partner 既意思
ni:haha "glp" 唔係只係威威叻粉絲會既成員才知道嗎?
wi: no..
wi: 係 etiquttte...common one
ni: o我仲以為係...因為glp係be教我
ni:do we have +op?
wi: 佢唔係教你glp
ni: 唔係咩
wi: 佢係教你wdp...
ni: .....
ni: 我成日記錯野
ni: wt is wdp?
wi: 當你同partner打完一個game...你好開心....覺得好好....就會說 "wdp"
wi: Well Done Partner
ni: o yes
ni: ok, sleep soon, 等你講埋"牌品"
wi: 係開枱前...你大可以問一下係地隊 oppenent (對手)用乜bidding system....
ni: 係
wi: that's it.....haha
wi: next time teah bidding system...
ni: wow the easiest chapter to understand
ni: ok
ni: tomorrow?
wi: then 你就已經晉身為weweweb高手
wi: 哈哈
ni: haha發夢冇咁早
ni: tomorrow? wt time?
wi: tomrrow...ok...11:00上來....如果12:00唔見人...我就好忙....唔教得...
ni: OK
ni: 好,bye~gn
wi: gn
橋牌教室 (三)
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