Children's spending habit with Octopus Card

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Children's spending habit with Octopus Card

Postby queenie » Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:46 pm

I recently has come across an event that parents should pay attention to and I want to share with you.

Months ago, I with my neice who was about ten years old, went out for shopping. At that time, I paid for the stuff by credit card and Octopus Card and I did not have any idea of presenting an inappropriate perception to the little girl then.

After a week, the girl's mother discovered that her daughter who originally was always hungry for eating especially during dinna, refused to attend the dinna table. After enquiry, her mother was told that she was not hungry. Her mother was curious as the child was not given much of pocket money. Where is the source of finance ? The mother was puzzled.

Not until the time did her daughter inform her that the Octopus Card needed further re-charge just only a day or two after the last time money-added in the Card. Then, the truth surfaced.

My neice said that her uncle (myself) bought without paying cash but just presenting the cards to the suppliers and she also had one of them, the Octopus Card. She followed suit. At that time, she believed that this was the greatest discovery for making perchase without paying a cent. In that case, she did not need to ask her mother for money to buy the stuff she desired.

Upon understanding the event, I feel that adult should have a responsibility to explain our behaviours or our acts no matter we believe how normal they are, to children, who are indeed like a plain paper that conducts the actions of copy and paste of their senior's behaviours.

We do have a significant influence to our younsters. Please take care !

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Re: Children's spending habit with Octopus Card

Postby beaniebean » Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:04 pm

看完後, 我有以下看法:

1) 據我所知, 數學科的小學一年級下學期課程是包括了認識硬幣及找續等知識. 按正常情況下, 一個10歲的孩子應已有"買東西要付錢"的概念.

2) 如小孩一直有使用八達通, 且又看到父母使用八達通一段時間後要付"錢"去增值的話, 理應知道八達通不是萬能, 不能在不增值的情況下無止境地使用.

3) 這一代的小孩好聰明, 原因是現今吸收知識的途徑比以前多很多, 所以他們很大可能比你想像中更聰明. 如上述情況是發生在一個幼稚園學生, 我會理解及明白. 但如發生在一個小四學生, 那就....

不過, 我很同意以下意見:
"Upon understanding the event, I feel that adult should have a responsibility to explain our behaviours or our acts no matter we believe how normal they are, to children, who are indeed like a plain paper that conducts the actions of copy and paste of their senior's behaviours. We do have a significant influence to our younsters. "

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