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Wrong Policy & Wrong Decision of former Health Department Ch

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 10:14 am
by queenie
Wrong Policy & Wrong Decision of former Health Department Chief (2006)

陳馮富珍 bieng the former Chief of Health Department must bear the political and /or even the criminal responsibilities for her own Wrong Policy & Wrong Decision on the way of handling the SARS in which many of innocent citizens were killed and infected.

陳馮富珍, herself should be ashamed of being a practitioner / worker in the health industry. She should be refrained from working in the health industry ever since the broke-out of SARS.

What the SARS experience 陳馮富珍 has learned in Hong Kong is just a mess and irresponsible consequences of her wrong decision /policy on SARS.

陳馮富珍 gets promotion by stepping upon the lives and infestion of SARS of our innocent citizens in Hong Kong.

Our mainland Government, please be understood that other than 陳馮富珍 who obviously is not the right person to get your sponsor, there are still many talent and experienced practitioners out there in Hong Kong for you to nominate as the chief of WHO.

Thank you.
Camson Tang