橋牌教室 (一)

All about the Bridge Game. (Preferred Language is English)

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橋牌教室 (一)

Postby willy » Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:37 pm

呢幾日係weweweb個Game Room教人打橋牌, 現節錄部分 (經編輯) 供大家參考:

wi: ni...先去開個 bridge-how to page...看一下教材
ni: ok
wi: http://www.weweweb.net/game/webpage/bri ... howto.html
wi: 我用英文教...
wi: bridge game is divided into 2 parts....
wi: part 1 - bidding
wi: part 2- playing
wi: for contract bridge
wi: players are in pair
wi: N-S is one pair
wi: ew is another pair
wi: now try bidding part 1st
wi: each player bids in turns
wi: bidding is an auction process
wi: the suits are ordered as Spade, Heart, Dimond, Club
wi: and there is one special type called No Trump
wi: (NT)
wi: do called 4H means...he wants the heart suit to be the trump
wi: 4 means he needs to win 10 out of 13 in order to win the game
ni: if 3?
wi: u can see 7 numbers in the bidding window 1 to 7
wi: the formula is N+6
wi: so 1 = 7
wi: 7 = 13 (win all 13 tricks)
wi: after all pass...the bidding stage ends
wi: he is the declarer
wi: and u r the dummy
wi: we are defenser to ensure that do wins less than 10 tricks
wi: the play is similar to gbirdge...
wi: the contract is 4H
wi: so hand the the trump suit
wi: and ur side wins not less than 10 tricks...the u win
wi: otherwise we win
wi: the x means double...
wi: that means ad don't believe do can make the contract (10+ tricks) and wants to do a bet
wi: we scored 300 points
ad: 你要教佢開叫大約13點
be: 嘩, 行開咗... miss咗咁多嘢tim
wi: later...no hurry
si: how come you get 300 points?
wi: set two...no vul...
wi: 100+200 = 300
si: where to count 100?
wi: http://www.weweweb.net/game/webpage/bri ... html#basic
wi: how many tricks u need to win in order to make the contract?
ni: 9
wi: clever...
si: why 9?
ni: n+6
wi: 第一課教完
wi: 明天教bidding
ni: 好
be: 可否講多次?
wi: @@"
wi: ni....講一下今日你學咗乜
ad: 不留心
be: 我遲嚟.. 好多message睇唔到嘛
ni: um
be: 嗚嗚...
ad: 明日請早!
wi: 我地係有教無類既....
ad: 但都要等到晚上才可..
wi: 最緊要有興趣
be: 睇怕明日都唔再講今日教嗰啲喇...
ni: ,declarer, dumper, n+6
wi: dummy
ni: - -
ni: 係喎what is the trump suit?
wi: 明天bidding會複習一點....
wi: 我要攪旺個場
ni: 好大使命!
be: 可唔可以早啲開始攪旺個場?
wi: set死
wi: 1400 cool.....魚腩部隊~~~
ad: he
ni: ~_~
ni: wt is the trump now?
wi: 冇定...
wi: 重叫緊
ad: 完了才知
ni: 咁我e+點做
si: you can bid or pass
wi: pass la...
si: u can bid 6 spade or above or pass
wi: 6 要win12....almost impossible
ni: ic
wi: last game tonite...
ni: ok
wi: play earlier tomorrow..then....
be: 聽日可否重複講多次今日既嘢呢?
be: 仲有... 聽日定咗幾點開始呢?
be: 11點好唔好?
ni: 大家係咪通常都係夜晚?
wi: about 11:00pm...
be: do閃得咁快...
wi: 因為我地今晚大勝 "V"
wi: 明天教咗佢bidding後可能我地就大敗

*** 就係咁就開始咗我地個穚牌教室喇 ***

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Re: 橋牌教室 (一)

Postby beaniebean » Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:32 am

啊, 可以看回對話內容... 呢個安排真係好... 咁我就可以消化再消化, 發問又發問lu... :mrgreen:

似乎陸續會有橋牌教室(二), (三), ....的出現. Yeah!!! :D

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Re: 橋牌教室 (一)

Postby beaniebean » Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:44 pm

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Re: 橋牌教室 (一)

Postby wayway » Fri May 07, 2010 2:54 pm


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